Health coach
“I help people make informed healthy lifestyle and diet choices that suit their lives as our wellbeing often starts on the plate.”
I empower you to feel good by getting your hormones and health back in shape.
Helping women understand the physiological changes and the shift in hormones that happen in (peri)menopause. Next step is explaining which diet, movement and lifestyle-tweaks can be made to get your hormones (back) in balance. As a result, you are able to make healthy lifestyle and diet choices that suit your life.
Born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, I’ve lived in the Netherlands for thirteen years. Three years ago, I started out as a health coach and came to realise that most women, myself included, know very little about the menopause. It’s still a taboo, even in emancipated Northern Europe. This sparked a fire in me to do more research and another study in hormones so I could help women through this transition. As each woman, sooner or later, will experience this rite of passage.